The Lakeland Rotary Club has forged a relationship with theRotary Club of La Paz Honduras and Honduras Compassion Partners (HCP). HCP was formally established in 2014 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization with the mission of helping the poor and underprivileged of Honduras become self-sufficient. Their mission is to transform the city of La Paz. In La Paz, many people have limited access to education, clean water, and sanitized restrooms.
80% of the people of La Paz do not have access to clean water
50% of the people of La Paz do not have access to a sanitary bathroom
the poor have limited access to education
HCP works to fill these needs by organizing short term mission teams who:
Install clean water filter systems, toilets, wells, and houses.
Equip medical clinics and provide medical and dental brigades
Equip and train local firefighters & EMS personnel
Serve in our International Training Center which teaches people how to be self-sufficient
Build relationships with families
Feed the hungry
The Lakeland Rotary Club is excited to be one of these short term mission teams. Our first trip was January 21 – 28, 2023. We had a team of 13 Rotarians and non-Rotarians,which included 3 families, and friends of Rotary. We had an age range of 15 – 78! It was an amazing week that impacted lives of people in La Paz as well as our team members. Our second mission trip was February 17-24, 2024.