Sponsor Responsibilities


Every active member to the club is encouraged to propose new members to our club. Each potential new member must have an assigned sponsor. The sponsor has the responsibility to stay in touch with the potential member to demonstrate they are important to us, plus ensuring their questions or concerns are addressed promptly. Even more important is continuing support to that person after they decide to join the club.

The following further defines what is expected of a sponsor. Being a sponsor id the most important responsibility in the club for promoting club membership. When you invite a potential member to a meeting, you should:

  • ensure that they know when and where they are supposed to find the meeting
  • give them a friendly attendance reminder and ask if they have any questions
  • meet them when they arrive at the meeting or arrange for someone else to greet them if you are late or absent
  • be sure they are welcomed at a table and engage them in what is going on
  • offer them the opportunity to introduce themselves during the meeting
  • notify the club president and membership chair that a potential member is interested in learning more about our club
  • give them a club brochure

Following their first meeting you should:

  • contact them to discuss their reactions to the meeting and our club
  • encourage them to continue attending meetings
  • continue to contact them to inquire about their intentions

At the appropriate time, assist the potential member with completing an application form. Make them aware of the approval process, cost,  and the time it will take. Tell them about our Rotary Information meeting and our STARS program. The membership process should be clear to them along with the costs and time commitment. Find out what they expect from Rotary and explain what Rotary can give to them. Learn what their interests are so they can become engaged and involved as soon as possible.

Club expectations would include:

  • participation in club committees and fundraisers
  • participation in club service projects
  • paying dues on time
  • giving to The Rotary Foundation and the End Polio Now campaign
  • learning and living by The Four Way Test

Privileges of being a member of Rotary include:

  • attending meetings at other clubs worldwide
  • networking with community leaders
  • providing service to our community and the world
  • exposure to other community organizations
  • leadership opportunities
  • travel to District and International Conventions

Once the application has been approved, continue the support process:

  • be sure they are welcomed at the table at each meeting and try to have them sit at a different table each week
  • be available for their induction
  • help them meet people and get involved in fellowship and service projects
  • continue contact to track their involvement and help them find a role in the club
  • encourage them to be greeters, collect happy dollars, introduce guests